The Manhasset Bay Protection Committee, with the support of the Town of North Hempstead and the Nassau County Department of Health, maintains an annual water quality monitoring program. This is meant to track the status of the Bay and set a baseline for progress to be measured against. Current information (2016 to present) is below the slideshow. Past reports and data can be found at:
Funding for the 2016--2022 water quality monitoring program and reports was provided for by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Additional support was provided by the Town of North Hempstead and Nassau County Department of Health.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) performs various Long Island Sound water quality cruises throughout the year. Their data is available on UCONN ERDDAP and the water quality portal (Org ID: CT_DEP01_WQX). Their newsletters are posted in our files: 2023 and 2024. In their summaries, "HY" signifies a “hypoxia” cruise where they only conduct water column profiles and collect grab samples for chlorophyll analysis. These are only conducted during the summer months (June-September). "WQ" signifies a “water quality” cruise where they collect samples for nutrients, BOD, OA parameters, as well as water column profiles. Theses are conducted year round. They sample 17 fixed stations year round. During the summer months they add another ~ 23 stations but only collect water column profiles.
In March 2025, a new Satellite Ocean Color data portal ( was launched to explore, discover and download satellite imagery of three water quality indicators for Long Island Sound and NY/CT coastal waters. This new satellite data portal was developed by the NY/CT Sea Grant-funded 2023 project, "Actionable satellite water-quality data products in LIS for improved management and societal benefits." Questions regarding the Ocean Color Data Portal and project should be addressed to Dr. Maria Tzortziou.