Winter 2025Information on Town sustainability programs, public comments on the plan for Manhasset Bay, and more Fall 2024Information on our last two beach cleanups, the impacts of nitrogen and pathogen pollution, and more Summer 2024Find out about our upcoming beach clean-ups, shellfish restoration, the ills of goose feeding and more Spring 2024Learn about upcoming beach clean-ups, what an illicit discharge is, and sources of bacteria pollution Winter 2024Articles cover the ills of feeding birds, the importance of wetlands, funding and volunteer opportunities, etc Fall 2023Articles cover the need for public input, securing your trash, and more Summer 2023Articles cover water balloons, lawn care, native plants and more Fall 2022/Winter 2023Articles cover current Committee projects and ways you can help out Summer 2022Articles include securing your trash, don't feed the geese, and a Town climate survey Spring 2022Articles include germs in our Bay and upcoming projects Winter 2022Articles include reducing nitrogen, recycling electronics, spring beach clean-ups, and more Fall 2021Articles cover the effects of climate change on pollution, fertilizer pollution, and more Winter 2021Articles include climate change, plastics, and food waste Fall 2020Events, history of Manhasset Bay, LISS turns 30 Summer 2020Water pollution, plastics, marine mammals, How's My Waterway Spring 2020Lawn care, native plants, amphibians, surge gates Winter 2020Plastic bag ban, sewer feasibility study, importance of getting outdoors Late Fall 2019 Summer 2019 Spring 2019 Winter 2019 Fall 2018 Late Summer 2018